
Saturday 2 February 2013


Photo: Lord Lugard Created Nigeria to Last for 100 Years Only - IBB

From former military President, Ibrahim Babangida came a shocker yesterday when he revealed that Lord Lugard created Nigeria to last for only a 100 years.

The self acclaimed evil genius said this in Lagos yesterday at the presentation of 2 books in honor of is foreign affairs minister, Bolaji Akinyemi.

Speaking yesterday Babangida had said “As Nigerians, we are aware of the great doubts that have been cast about what 2014 portends for the continuing existence of our nation. I am aware that Nigerians have taken great umbrage at these predictions. Even Lord Lugard who founded what has been called Nigeria gave it a life-span of 100 years. I regard it as a challenge to our intelligence to ensure that these portends and prophesies do not become self-fulfilling.

“We should engage these predictions on an intellectual level, testing whether the facts justify the conclusions.

“But on a practical and public policy level, we must import honesty into our public policy assessment. First, we must identify the problems that need to be addressed. Secondly, we must address these problems honestly. Thirdly, we must identify the most current and the most appropriate mechanism for addressing these issues.

“Let me make this clear. My position is not dictated by the fact that foreigners are making these predictions. We don’t even need foreigner sources as a reference point. The Nigerian media is awash with alarming news about our problems.

“My position is dictated by my conviction that Nigeria is precious enough to be saved. It deserves an investment of our time and resources to make Project Nigeria a success. But the starting point has to be an admission that we need to fix things.”

Babangida also stated that mistakes of past administrations are putting pressure on the country today though he refused to identify the mistakes or the past administrations that made them.

Said he “Some of the mistakes of the past have now come to haunt us. But let me make one thing clear. Not all these mistakes were made out of callousness or bad faith or malice.

“Most people in office do their best. They act to the best of their ability. Unless we think that our leaders have divine ability, we have to admit that even with all the best of their abilities and even with the best faith and with the best of all intentions, human beings will still make mistakes,”

In his own comments, ProfessorAkinyemi called for a national dialogue saying “Zoning, federal character, rotation, marginalisation of the brightest and the best will only make the much prophesied collapse of Nigeria in 2014 a self- fulfilling prophecy. We cannot build a nation on a system that takes care of the few while condemning the many to penury. A system that cannot take care of the many that are poor cannot save the few who are rich."

From former military President, Ibrahim Babangida came a shocker yesterday when he revealed that Lord Lugard created Nigeria to last for only a 100 years. The self acclaimed evil genius said this in Lagos yesterday at the presentation of 2 books in honor of is foreign affairs minister, Bolaji Akinyemi.

Speaking yesterday Babangida had said “As Nigerians, we are aware of the great doubts that have been cast about what 2014 portends for the continuing existence of our nation. I am aware that Nigerians have taken great umbrage at these predictions. Even Lord Lugard who founded what has been called Nigeria gave it a life-span of 100 years. I regard it as a challenge to our intelligence to ensure that these portends and prophesies do not become self-fulfilling.


Photo: Worshippers give Bishop Oyedepo 700 cars as offering

During Winners Chapel Cross Over service on Tuesday January 1st in Canaanland, Ota, Ogun state, worshipers of the church made donations of over 700 exotic cars to the church. People who felt they had been richly blessed in 2012 came to the cross over service with different donations, most significant was the number of exotic brand new cars and SUVs that flooded Canaanland. The people who donated them dropped the keys and documents of the cars during offering.

Congrax Bishop.

During Winners Chapel Cross Over service on Tuesday January 1st in Canaanland, Ota, Ogun state, worshipers of the church made donations of over 700 exotic cars to the church. People who felt they had been richly blessed in 2012 came to the cross over service with different donations, most significant was the number of exotic brand new cars and SUVs that flooded Canaanland. The people who donated them dropped the keys and documents of the cars during offering.


Although I may feel differently later on; right now I am not nervous about the beauty elements of our wedding at all. It's the one area that I have been involved with before & it's the one area that I feel I have a certain amount of control over. Granted I don't have any REAL control over wether or not I have a spot or 5 on the day, but I do have complete control over the things that I do to try & make that as unlikely as possible.

What's good for everyone to do?
  • Exercise - this might mean carry on exercising or start to exercise, but either way exercise is a great way to flush away any toxins that might cause blemishes & you'll be toning up at the same time: Win--win.
  • Drink Water (around 8 glasses a day, or more if you're exercising a lot) - There are SO many benefits of drinking water, but you won't see the effects over night so start this one as soon as you can. Carry around a bottle at all times, something like THIS ONE will be perfect.

Thursday 31 January 2013


The music gods are shining down on us all!
We’re always excited for a hot collaboration, but this one has got us jumping out of our seats with pure dancing joy.
Rihanna is not only working on new music that is bound to be fierce, but she’s collaborating with Australian rapper Iggy Azalea!
Absolute musical insanity!!!!!
RiRi’s studio audio engineer, Marcos Tovar, revealed the most excellent news ever while talking about the singer’s current project:


A person claiming to be a pastor apparently tried to stiff a waiter on a tip, explaining that their work for God absolved them of having to leave one. A photo of the receipt, posted to Reddit.com, shows a bill for $34.93 that included an automatic 18 percent gratuity ($6.29) above a blank space for an additional tip.

"I give God 10%," the diner wrote on the receipt, scratching out the automatic tip. "Why do you get 18?" The person then wrote "Pastor" above their signature, and an emphatic "0" where the additional tip would be. The Reddit user who submitted the image explained in the comments section that the receipt was part of a total bill of over $200 for a party of 20, which is why the gratuity was automatically added.


T. Boone Pickens' Grandson Dies in Tex.
Thomas Boone Pickens IV, the 21-year-old grandson of the Texasoil tycoon T. Boone Pickens, died Tuesday after being rushed to a Texas hospital, a family spokesman said. Jay Rosser, vice president of public affairs for BP Capital and a spokesman for the Pickens family, confirmed the death to ABCNews.com. "Ty's loss at such a young age is an unspeakable family tragedy for the entire Pickens family and his many friends," Rosser's prepared statement said. "We mourn his passing and respectfully request that the family be allowed to grieve in private in this time of sorrow."


Woman dies during brutal sex game (Getty)

London, Jan 28 (IANS) A Swedish man will stand trial for manslaughter for allegedly killing his German girlfriend during a brutal sex game, a media report said Monday. The 28-year-old German woman exchange student was hit over 100 times with a wooden blackboard pointer by the 31-year-old man at his home in Umea in northern Sweden in October 2012, the Daily Mail reported.
The man said the woman was a willing "sex slave" in the game. Police said the man raised the alarm when the woman stopped breathing during their violent sex session. The woman was treated for two days in the intensive care ward of a local hospital before her life support machines were switched off. She had sustained brain damage as a result of her airways being restricted. Police said she took a cocaine substitute and drank alcohol before the sex session. A prosecutor said the woman had her mouth stuffed with something that led directly to her death.


Latest reports emanating from North Korea tell a shocking tale about North Koreans murdering their own children for food as the famine-hit nation's food shortage has gone from bad to worse. Amidst reports of famine and drought, there are stories of desperation from North Korea, especially of a man executing his two children for food. Reports from citizen journalists inside North Korea portrays a grim picture. These startling reports were compiled by independent reporters commissioned by Asia Press, a independent press agency focusing on Asia, and were published by the Sunday Times


A fisherman off Panama was battling a huge black marlin when the battle took a turn for the worse. The fish sank the boat. Or as Marlin Magazine put it on its Facebook post, "Marlin Wins!". Not all the details are in, but apparently the captain began backing down on the huge fish, a common practice in big-game fishing when a fish is taking line. He puts the boat in reverse to chase the fish. One commenter on Marlin Magazine's Facebook post who apparently had some knowledge of fishing wrote:-


1.} Finding Happiness:- If you're happy and you know it, what's your secret? Researchers have uncovered plenty of factors, from genes to personal characteristics to life choices, that seem to coincide with happiness and its longer-lasting cousin, well-being. Here are a few you might have some control over.

2.} Get Culture:- Men who enjoy art, ballet and other cultural activities feel happier and healthier, according to a May 2011 study published in the Journal of Epidemiology. The result held even after researchers controlled for other happiness-influencing factors such as income. For men, physical activity, outdoor hobbies and volunteer work were also linked with happiness. The cheeriest women attended both church and sports events. Cause-and-effect isn't certain (maybe happier people take in more culture rather than the other way around), but the message is clear: It can't hurt to get out there.


We don't know why he grabbed a fan girl's breast — or why his rep, who may need newer eye-glasses, insists on denying it — but we're soooo ready to forgive Justin Bieber!
His performance plea on Ellen today was soul-shattering!! We nearly wept like a little school girl!
Sure, his voice cracked on occasion… but that's because was so emotionally invested!!
The flaws in his acoustic performance only make his desperate appeal to Selena Gomez all the more touching!
Watch as the Biebs transformers one of 2012's biggest club hits into a teary-eyed requiem for his lost lover (above)!
Poor JB!
We know you've acted out recently, but clearly you're still devastated by the gaping hole in your heart!
You can cry on our shoulder any time!!
Culled from Perez


All About YouThe human body is a great, sweaty, fluid-filled machine, moving and mixing chemicals with precision and coordination, making everything from memories to mucus. Here we explore some of the complex, beautiful or just plain gross mysteries of how you function.


Look down at your keyboard. Are most of the letters in your name on the left or the right side of the tray? The answer could affect how people respond to your name.

New research suggests people have warmer feelings toward words that use mostly letters on the right side of the QWERTY keyboard (the most common keyboard layout, named after the first six keys in the top row of letters). Words with a lefty bent are viewed as more negative, the researchers report online in the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.

With everyday typing and texting now common, the researchers’ findings suggest that how we produce words influences how we feel about them. In a series of experiments, cognitive researchers Kyle Jasmin of University College London and Daniel Casasanto of the New School for Social Research in New York asked volunteers to rate their positive and negative feelings regarding English, Dutch and Spanish words. The researchers found that no matter the language and no matter whether the rater was right- or left-handed, people had more positive feelings about words that mainly involved right-side keyboard letters. [ Life's Extremes: Right- vs. Left-Handed ]

The results held even for made-up words such as “pleek,” though the association was at its strongest in new words and abbreviations such as “LOL,” the study found. It’s possible that warm-and-fuzzy feelings toward right-leaning words come from the fact that the left hand has a tougher job on the QWERTY keyboard: It’s responsible for 15 letters, versus 11 for the right hand. That might mean that right-keyboard words are easier to type and thus bestow more positive feelings on the typist.
“People responsible for naming new products, brands and companies might do well to consider the potential advantages of consulting their keyboards and choosing the ‘right’ name,” the researchers wrote.


Wow, if you thought Whitney Houston’s brother got real in the clip we showed you the other day, just wait until you hear what her mom,Cissy, had to say!
Last night, two weeks from the one year anniversary of the late icon’s death, Oprah’s Next Chapter aired Oprah’s interview with Cissy, who definitely didn’t hold back.
Cissy opened up to O on everything from Whitney’s rumored lesbian relationship with her best friend, Robyn, to her tumultuous romance with Bobby Brown and drug use.
Check out part of the no holds barred interview (above)!
Wow… Cissy definitely kept it 100! That’s some deep shiz right there!
Oprah also asked Cissy about the moment she found out the unfortunate fate of her daughter, whom she called Nippy, last February.