
Saturday 24 November 2012



72-year-old man released from prison, suspected of murdering wife after finding out she is pregnant.

RENOWNED black empowerment activist Sonny Chasi appeared in court yesterday facing charges of murdering his wife and raping his biological daughter. The daughter was 12 years when he committed the offence.

Chasi (72), of Number 37 Sturton Drive, Glenvale, Richmond, who claimed detectives assaulted him, was not formally charged when he briefly appeared before Bulawayo provincial magistrate Mrs Learnmore Mapiye.

Mrs Mapiye, who ordered the State to investigate allegations of assault, remanded him in custody to 7 December. He was advised to apply to the High Court for bail in view of the charges he is facing.
Dressed in a brown and white checked shirt, Chasi stood attentively in the dock as the court interpreter read the allegations to him.

Asked if he had understood the allegations against him, Chasi speaking through the interpreter sought clarification on the dates when it is alleged he sexually abused his daughter and Mrs Mapiye clarified.
The court heard that Chasi was customarily married to Dorcus Majola (41).

Sometime in 2009, Chasi was sentenced to seven years in jail for fraud. On 6 July this year, he was released on home leave from Connemara Open Prison, outside Gweru and he came home at Number 4 Richard Allen Road in Waterford.

He discovered that Majola was four months pregnant and they had an argument over the pregnancy and Chasi allegedly assaulted her and she ran away from the house.

He went back to prison and was released on 2 November and when he came to Bulawayo he discovered that his wife had relocated to Lobengula West and he followed her. The State alleges that he demanded to know who was responsible for the pregnancy and allegedly threatened to kill her and the unborn baby.
He allegedly forcibly moved into her lodgings and stayed with her and the State is alleging that she was living in fear, which prompted her on 13 November, to visit the Magwegwe Police Community Relations and Liaison Office, but Chasi allegedly continued with his death threats.

On 15 November, at about 3pm, Chasi, who was now allegedly stalking Majola, went to her workplace at a Bulawayo hotel and picked her up.

He allegedly forced her to go with him to Bambanani Centre where they both underwent HIV tests.
The State is alleging that from the centre, he took her to an unknown destination where he allegedly assaulted her with an unknown  object.

The following morning, at about 6am, the State alleges that he carried her while she was unconscious and bleeding profusely from the injuries she had sustained, to the intersection of Lawley Road and 4th Street in Suburbs.

He called the police and allegedly made a false report that he and his wife had been robbed by four men.
The police attended the scene and Majola was taken to the United Bulawayo Hospitals where she died from the injuries she had sustained later that day.

According to the post-mortem report, Majola had a ruptured placenta, depressed skull, congested brain and the baby weighing 2,9 kg also died during the assault.
On the rape charges, the State is alleging that between 1 and 31 December 2008, Chasi was staying with his family.

During that period, Majola went to Silobela leaving the children including the complainant, who was 12 years old, in the custody of Chasi. The State alleges that on a certain day and at night, Chasi called his daughter outside the house and informed her that he had been told by a inyanga that he was supposed to perform certain rituals so that the family would prosper. 

He allegedly ordered her to undress, face north, west, south and east before they went back into the house.
During the night, the State alleges that he raped her before raping her on two other occasions using the same method.

They then moved to Waterford where he allegedly raped her three more times. The child later approached her class teacher and informed her about the alleged sexual abuse. 

Majola came back and the class teacher summoned her to school and informed her about the abuse.
Chasi's sister came from Chihota communal lands and the State alleges that she, in the company of Majola, visited the class teacher and threatened the teacher and Majola against reporting the sexual abuse.
Chasi's sister allegedly also threatened the child and the matter was never reported until investigations into the murder case started and the child opened up.

Miss Tarisai Mutarisi appeared for the State and Mr Herbert Shenje, of Shenje and Company defended Chasi.

-Source: News dze Zimbabwe 

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