
Saturday 17 November 2012


Tragedy occurred this morning in Urugbam in Biase LGA when an 82year old man collapsed, fell into the local pit toilet and died.

According to eyes witnesses, the old man prior to the incident, was hale and hearty and showed no sign of being sick. But on getting to the local pit toilet (called "latrine” by the locals) and bending down to “poo”, collapsed on top of it, fell into the pit toilet and died there.

Sympathisers had to rush and drag him out. But by the time he was dragged out, he was already dead with maggots and excretes from the pit toilet all over his body. The said sympathisers had to rush to the local stream to fetch lots of water to clean him up before taking him to the hospital at the uptown where he has been deposited at the mortuary.

Since there were witnesses and people standing by when the incident happened, there have been no suspicions of foul play or murder related. When we placed a call to the vice chairman of Biase LGA, Lagos branch Mr Sunday Onegwam, he declined to comment more on this siting insufficient information at his disposal at the moment.

Meanwhile, calls have placed to his children and relations who are living outside of Biase. May the soul of the old man rest in peace

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