
Saturday 29 December 2012


Creative ways to tell your partner that you’re pregnant:

>>>Make a meal of baby corn, baby carrots, baby back ribs, a salad of baby greens, etc. and see if he understands the hint. If not, ask him what the common theme of the meal is and if he sees any significance.
>>>Use a photo editing program like Morphthing.com (free with registration online) to morph your face and your partner’s. Give him the photo and label it as “Our future-due in 9 months”

Wrap up a baby name book and give it to your partner saying that you bought him a great book about his future.
>>>If you have a dog that runs to greet people who come to the door, tie a note around the dog’s collar saying “Jenny’s pregnant” for your partner to find.

Creative ways to tell you family/friends that you’re pregnant:

>>>Mail birth announcements with your due date and a question mark for the name, sex, and weight.
>>>Give them a framed photo of your ultrasound.
>>>Have your older child wear a shirt that says “I’m going to be a big sister(or brother)”
>>>Gather everyone for an impromptu family photo. Have your partner take the photo and say “Ok everyone, say Lucy’s pregnant!” instead of “cheese.” You’ll get a great photo of everyone’s reaction.
>>>Invite everyone over for a dinner and when your guests come to the door, answer it with a pillow stuffed under your shirt to look pregnant. It is best if you can do it with a straight face. When they ask what’s going on, just tell them you’re practicing for what’s coming up in the next few months.
>>>Before your partner gets home from work, decorate the living room with balloons and streamers and a sign that says “Welcome home DADDY!”
>>>And of course, a picture can say a thousand words. Try wearing a pregnant clothes pumped up with pillows...lol

Many women wait until the end of their first trimester to tell friends and family (other than their partner) that they are pregnant. The chance of miscarriage is highest during the first trimester and it would be quite disappointing to tell everyone you’re pregnant and then have to tell them that you miscarried. Once you find out that you are pregnant you should start taking a prenatal vitamin if you haven’t already.

Source: prenatal vitamins

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