
Monday 31 December 2012


Like a fish striking at bait, a smoker gets a reward but pays a terrible price. Smokeless tobacco-such as chewing tobacco-can deliver more nicotine that cigarettes and contains more than 25 cancer-causing compounds that increases the user’s risk of developing cancer of the throat and mouth. What, though, if you are already hooked? What can you do to break free?

11. Convince yourself. Write down your reasons for quitting  and review this list regularly. A desire to be clean before God can be a powerful motive.

22. Get help. If you’ve been smoking in the secret, now is the time to come clean. Tell those you have been hiding your smoke from that you are quitting, and ask for their support. If it is spiritually inclined then pray for God’s help to help you quit.

33. Set a quit date. Give yourself two weeks or less, ans mark on your calendar the day you are determined to quit. Tell your family and your friends that you are quitting on that date.

44. Search and destroy. Before you reach your quit date, scour your room, car, and clothing for any cigarettes. Destroy them. Get rid od lighters, matches, and ashtrays.

55. Deal with withdrawal symptoms. Drink plenty of fruit juice or water, and allow more time for sleep. Keep in mind that the discomfort is temporary, while the benefits are permanent!

66. Avoid triggers. Stay away from places and situations where you would be tempted to smoke. You may also need to cut off social contact with associates who are smokers.

77. Avoid rationalizations. Don’t fool yourself by saying, “I’ll only take a puff”. Such rationalizations often lead to a full relapse.

Each year, tobacco companies spend billions of dollars on advertising. How can they not know that many youths will be lured by their bait and even become tomorrow’s addicted adults? Don’t allow tobacco executives to get their hands into your pockets. Why take their bait? Neither that group nor your peers who smoke have your best interests at heart. Rather than listen to them, listen to your inner heart which is more like the spirit in you telling you it is not right for you…then stick to that

Source: AWAKE


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