
Tuesday 25 June 2013


kim kardashian kanye west kris jenner disses mom true love
Who doesn't hate their potential mother-in-law?!
Okay, so maybe hate is too strong of a word, but from what we hear, Kanye West isn't exactly feelin' Kris Jenner. But it's not like he's trying to marry Kris; it's Kim Kardashian who apparently has his heart forever and ever! All you doubters out there might want to rethink your stance because Kanye got totes honest about both ladiez during an interview with W magazine, and there's some serious LOVE going on…well, at least for Kim. He revealed just how deep it runs when asked about appearing on her reality TV shows:
"Oh, that's just all for love. It's simply that. At a certain point, or always, love is more important than any branding, or any set of cool people, or attempting to impress anyone. Because true love is just the way you feel . . .Thoughts and feelings can disagree sometimes."
We always knew Kim would need a man who could handle being allll over TV!
But one thing Yeezy might NOT be able to handle is her momma! Ruh-roh!
W's Christopher Bagley revealed an insider moment that went on during the interview in Paris. It seems Kris stopped by to see Kanye's home when he played her an unfinished version of Awesome, which is about Kim. Unfortunately, "great job" apparently wasn't the response he wanted from the momager. Kanye then commented:
"Great job? Great job, Baccarat, for making a glass that can hold liquid! Great job, belt loops, for keeping my pants up!"
But hey, who hasn't had uncomfortable moments with their possible, future mother-in-law?
Celebs, they're just like us!

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