


Cling to me.
If you can...like a child to a mother
If you can...like fish to the water
If you can...like a rat to a gum-glue
If you can...like hope to tomorrow
If you can...like dirt to white cloth
If you can...like hair to the skin
If you can...like metal to magnet
However that you can...just connect
I am here.

My hand is outstretched
You are down
You desire my understanding
It pulls me from where am standing
I am not complete.
Love still exist
It takes two to tango
I never left...where will I go?
Its outstretched...take it please

We drifted apart
We fell apart
I knew what I lacked
But I never left...where will I go
What of the promises made to?
I stood.
Months in, years out; I cried
I stood
I mourned your lose
I didn’t accept such divorce
I hurt, I cursed
But I stood
It was about what we shared
Faith being my bread
I was well fed
I said I will be here
In case you come back
I said I will be there
In case you turned around.

I heard you had it all so good.
I was happy for you.
Saw you on T.V.
Mega celebrity
The little boy all faded to a full grown
Handsome and all known.
Your pictures all over my room
I gazed always like kids to moon.

Then I heard you are sick
Rehabilitation couldn’t help
Your pictures are no longer yourself
Friends all gone
The woes have just began
“If its Victoria, she will not walk”.
Someone said you said that
But it’s larger than world map
… your pride
You will never call me
You will die than take that slap.

But for you...I will do anything.
I know you...
You are many beautiful things
So here I am...hands outstretched
You are down
You desire my understanding
Looking at you as you look at me
It pulls me from where am standing
We are both not complete.
Love still exist
It takes two to tango
We never left...where would we go?
Its outstretched...take it please
Hold my hand

Isioma Goodluck Esemene
Tel: +234 808 253 7228
Twitter.... @10KNews
Email: t10knews@gmail.com

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