Debuting in 2005, Games People Play gave people an indication of the kind of talent she wields. Like wildfire, her name and fan appeal grew across the continent, Nigeria in particular.
Nominations for Best Actress in a Leading Role at the African Movie Academy Awards in 2007 and 2009 followed. This was after she acted in high profile productions including Mummy’s Daughter and Beyonce.
Despite a tough market, with an excess of talented actors and actresses, Buari and others of her generation have managed to make an impact on the Ghanaian entertainment scene. Nadia, 30, is the daughter of former President of the Musicians Union of Ghana Sidiku Buari. She holds a BFA degree in Fine Arts from the School of Performing Arts at the University of Ghana.
So who is the Nadia Buari her fans adore so much? “I am Nadia but many of my lovely fans love to call me ‘Beyonce’… For now I can say without any shadow of fear that in the darkness of no hope for African movies there is a rising star to give light in this period of darkness and this star in darkness is the film actress called Nadia S. Buari,” she says.
“My life tells a long story short of an apt and adventurous actress of Africa, born into the family of art.'
“Acting has always been my ardent passion, dating as far back as my days in elementary school; I was always a regular member in the drama and dance groups.'
“Though I will concede that at that time I was a bit nervous most often before people, a thing I’m yet to get over.'
A very modest, humble, warm, loving and trustworthy (in her own words) individual, Nadia like most of Africa’s celebrities, also runs a charity foundation called the Nadia Buari Foundation (NBF).
The Foundation seeks to provide hope for as many people and communities that can be reached, assisting rural schools with funds to build learning facilities such as libraries and classrooms.
-Source: MSN News
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